Saturday, February 11, 2023

Blog 7: Reaction to EOTO

 Reaction to the Invention of the Record Player

I never knew much about record players but after watching every presentation it stuck out to me the most. We now live in a world we record players are now used to decorating a space instead of using it for their purpose. This is because at any time of day, we can just tap a few buttons on our phones and play whatever song is on our minds. 

I learned how record players work and the impact they have!

How they work: 

Record players are able to play music because of the grooves in the disc. When the disc spins on the belt the needle crates vibration from all the groves engraved on the disc. The coil then takes the vibrations that are from the needle and groove and turns them into an electric signal which plays out of the speaker to make the sound of the music. 

Impact of the record player:

The record player was the start of people listening to music. This led to many more inventions for people to be able to listen to music easier. The impact it had on the older generation is the same way it has on the newer generation with Apple Music and Spotify It was a new source of entertainment that no one has seen before and gave the opportunity for those to be able to listen to music at the comfort of their own home!

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