Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Blog 12: My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology

 My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology

Technology has a big impact on today's world whether it is Artificial Intelligence or social media posts. Technology has grown rapidly over the past decades because of all the news gadgets being created daily. There are very few people who don't have to check their phones at least once. It has come to a point where we feel lost if we don't have our phones near. Is this good or bad?

My relationship with technology:

I would say my relationship with technology is a love-hate relationship. I am the person who if I don't have on me at all times I feel lost. I am able to go hours without my phone but I care too much about what people are doing on Instagram or what my friends are putting on their stories on Snapchat. I am sad to say I am addicted to my phone but I know when to stop, put my phone down, and live in the moment. There are times that I know I need to unwind and get off my phone and go outside and enjoy the fresh air, take walks, or just spend quality time with my loved ones. While I am on my phone a lot, the app I use the most is YouTube. YouTube is the way I watch the podcasts I love which give me updates on current events. But, when I was younger I was always on Instagram or Snapchat worrying about what people are doing and why I am not there. Social media can be hard for young adults because people post behind a screen, ever since technology has gotten bigger it has caused a plethora of cyberbullying cases. I have now learned that what people say on social media behind the screen does not reflect or take away who I am as a person. It takes a lot to realize that but once I did it made my life easier!

My family's relationship with technology:

My parents have a better relationship with technology than I do but I think this comes with our different generations and the way we grew up. While my parents are on the phone it is different than how I am. My parents are always on the phone dealing with work or talking to my siblings. My mom occasionally scrolls on Instagram to catch up on those she has not seen in forever but she doesn't like to be on it longer than she has to because she feels like social media comes with drama no matter what! On the other hand, my dad is on the phone but he goes on Facebook maybe once every two weeks just to catch up like my mom does. My dad also uses Twitter sometimes to post clips from work and to keep those who he coaches up to date on information that is needed. My dad uses social media less than my mom but at random times of the day I hear my dad yell "Alexa!" to my Amazon Echo that is in the kitchen to ask a random question. Overall, my parents have a great relationship with technology and know when enough is enough. 

What is a digital footprint?

A digital footprint is the trail of information that a person leaves behind on social media and the internet. Not only does this include posts but also comments. No matter if you think something is private and never will be seen by anyone... IT IS NOT TRUE!

My digital footprint:

I pride myself on being careful about what I post on social media because it will come back to get you. It is essential to be aware of what you are doing at all times and watch what you put on social media. With one little Google search, so much information can pop up in seconds. My social media platforms reflect my bubbly personality but it is mature and conscious of what I post because of my future job interviews. I am grateful to say when I search for "Danielle Pellegrino" nothing comes up of me. If I put "Danielle Pellegrino High Point University" my Linkedin pops up. This is a great look for me that if future employers look me up the only thing that is found from a basic Google search is my digital resume! 

As we are finishing up with Media Law & Literacy I have realized that I need to shut off my phone more but as get older I become more and more out of touch with technology (in a good way) as I have already grown immensely!

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Blog 12: My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology

 My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology Technology has a big impact on today's world whether it is Artificial Intelligence or social ...