Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog 5: Smartphone EOTO!

 Imagine the average person's life, from morning to night. Many times the first thing a person grabs after waking up is their smartphone and the last thing they do before they go to sleep is watch Tik Toks, check the news, etc. before putting their phone down to rest. 

A smartphone is a cellphone that lets you do more than just make a phone call or send a simple text. It is a high-tech phone that has a touch screen to allow other users to interact with them. 


Smartphones are the big thing nowadays, whether you are 5 or 80 most people have smartphones whether to play games, look at current events, use it as a map, etc. it has so many features that can help out any person. 

This is a brief history of the smartphone

1992: IBM announced the first smartphone was invented with a small LCD screen and one-hour battery

1994: The smartphone started to have apps like calendars, address books, calendars, notepad, etc.

2000: The first camera smartphone was made but was only available in Japan. The phone was called J-SH04.

2001: The Smartphone was able to connect to the internet with a 3G network.

2007: Steve Jobs announced the iPhone, the first phone to be touchscreen while also connecting to the internet and having a camera.

Since 2007 companies have competed with Apple to have the best and newest smartphone. The newest iPhone 14 was created in late 2022, expect more to come soon from Apple! Apple is one of the best tech companies that keep expanding day after day.

There are many pros and cons to the smart-phone: 


It provides endless entertainment for those who are using it, there are all different kinds of apps whether it be social media platforms, games, or news channels. It provides all different platforms for varying age groups.

 It keeps loved ones closer by being able to call them from all around the world. There is an app included with the iPhone called Facetime. This is where a person can video chat another while being able to talk to them as well as see their face. 

It makes using a map a lot easier than it used to be back then. If you just put the address of the place you are attending it will pop up the fattest route and step by step how to get there. The apps include Google Maps and Waze. 

But there are cons to the smartphone…

All smartphone users' privacy is at risk because many people don't read the terms and conditions on different apps and don't realize that they are taking their information to shoot out ads onto their platforms.

Smartphones also cause many health problems including both mental and physical problems. Many users get distracted by their phones for hours and they forget to do the basic needs in life like exercising and eating. It is also bad for people's mental health because there are many incidents around the world where cyberbullying is a problem that causes many smartphone users to become depressed. 

The smartphone is known to be one of the best inventions but is it really healthy?

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