Thursday, January 26, 2023

Blog 3: Thoughts on Supreme Court

After watching the Supreme Court video as well as reading the History Channel article on the Supreme Court I learned new information that I never knew before this. I never knew much about the Supreme Court but in eighth grade I went to Washington D.C. on a class trip and learned more about the ins and outs of the capital. 

After reading the article I learned more about the roles within the Supreme. While I knew the roles of Supreme Court I did not know what each roles job did individually. A chief justice is the highest is the highest judicial officer I did not know what it entailed. This makes me understand the situation of Donald Trump being acquitted. After doing research I have realized that the chief justice has the power of over the trials of impeachment involving the Presidents of the United States of America. 

The amount of chief justices that have served since 1789 is an interesting fact to me. There are 115 supreme justices that have served over the years. It shows that these Justices are committed to their job and will keep their job until they can't physically can't do it anymore, for example, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

It is interesting to look into the big cases that the Supreme Court had to handle like Dred Scott vs Sandford and  Plessy vs. Ferguson!

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