Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Blog 11: EOTO Reaction #2

 EOTO: Reaction to Framing Theory

After watching all the presentations in class, I chose to pick framing theory because it is a term that I have never heard before and was interested in learning more about. 

What is framing theory?

Framing theory is the process by which people develop a particular conceptualization of an issue or their thinking of an issue. The main effect of framing theory is manipulation because it gives false perspectives on a situation.

Where does this happen most?

Framing theory happens an abundant amount on news channels. If something is said on a news source many people just run with it without fact-checking it with other news sources that have all different types of opinions. People hear it on a website or on television. News channels do this a lot when they share a story with the audience but don't give all the information and just tell one side of the story (kind of like when there is drama going on with friends and only one side of a story is being said and not the whole truth:)). As many people say there are three sides to the story. 

Ways to avoid framing theory:

The best way to avoid framing theory is not to believe everything you see. This is important in everyday life because fake news is such a big thing in today's day in age. People have to look past just one news source and realize that just because it is being aired on television or said on a website it doesn't always mean it's true!

This presentation on has made me realize that I can't believe everything I see online which is great to think about because I am always on social media and people just post information just for rumors or they don't know the full story. 

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