Monday, February 27, 2023

Blog 10: EOTO - False Flags

 There are all different kinds of False Information including Five Eyes, Propaganda, Disinformation, False Flags, etc.

I researched false flags. "False flags" is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it to justice an attack of invasion. Nations have done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying their enemy had done it. 

The history of the term "false flags" was first used in the 16th century to describe how pirates flew the flag of a friendly nation to deceive merchant ships into allowing them to draw near. 

The best-known historical example of a real false flag operation was by Nazi Germany in 1939 as a justification for starting World War II. The Gestapo staged a Polish raid on a German broadcasting tower in Gleiwitz. The Nazis left behind a dead person as well as several other dead Germans who were really concentration camp prisoners killed and dressed as German guards.

In warfare, it is deemed acceptable under certain circumstances like enemies. It can be with land and air warfare. There has been multiple wars that have used false flags like World War II, Russo-Swedish War, Franco-Prussian War, Second Sino-Japanese War, and many more.

Operation Northwoods also was a form of a false flag It was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense. It was proposed that the CIA to stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against the American military and citizens blaming them on the Cuban government and using it to justify a war with Cuba. The document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as United States Air Force planes, a fabricated 'shoot down" of a United States Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities. The document was rejected by John F. Kennedy. The operation wanted to create public support for a war against Cuba blaming it for terrorist acts that would actually be committed by the United States government.

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