Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Blog 11: EOTO Reaction #2

 EOTO: Reaction to Framing Theory

After watching all the presentations in class, I chose to pick framing theory because it is a term that I have never heard before and was interested in learning more about. 

What is framing theory?

Framing theory is the process by which people develop a particular conceptualization of an issue or their thinking of an issue. The main effect of framing theory is manipulation because it gives false perspectives on a situation.

Where does this happen most?

Framing theory happens an abundant amount on news channels. If something is said on a news source many people just run with it without fact-checking it with other news sources that have all different types of opinions. People hear it on a website or on television. News channels do this a lot when they share a story with the audience but don't give all the information and just tell one side of the story (kind of like when there is drama going on with friends and only one side of a story is being said and not the whole truth:)). As many people say there are three sides to the story. 

Ways to avoid framing theory:

The best way to avoid framing theory is not to believe everything you see. This is important in everyday life because fake news is such a big thing in today's day in age. People have to look past just one news source and realize that just because it is being aired on television or said on a website it doesn't always mean it's true!

This presentation on has made me realize that I can't believe everything I see online which is great to think about because I am always on social media and people just post information just for rumors or they don't know the full story. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Blog 10: EOTO - False Flags

 There are all different kinds of False Information including Five Eyes, Propaganda, Disinformation, False Flags, etc.

I researched false flags. "False flags" is a political or military action carried out with the intention of blaming an opponent for it to justice an attack of invasion. Nations have done this by staging a real or simulated attack on their own side and saying their enemy had done it. 

The history of the term "false flags" was first used in the 16th century to describe how pirates flew the flag of a friendly nation to deceive merchant ships into allowing them to draw near. 

The best-known historical example of a real false flag operation was by Nazi Germany in 1939 as a justification for starting World War II. The Gestapo staged a Polish raid on a German broadcasting tower in Gleiwitz. The Nazis left behind a dead person as well as several other dead Germans who were really concentration camp prisoners killed and dressed as German guards.

In warfare, it is deemed acceptable under certain circumstances like enemies. It can be with land and air warfare. There has been multiple wars that have used false flags like World War II, Russo-Swedish War, Franco-Prussian War, Second Sino-Japanese War, and many more.

Operation Northwoods also was a form of a false flag It was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense. It was proposed that the CIA to stage and commit acts of violent terrorism against the American military and citizens blaming them on the Cuban government and using it to justify a war with Cuba. The document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as United States Air Force planes, a fabricated 'shoot down" of a United States Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities. The document was rejected by John F. Kennedy. The operation wanted to create public support for a war against Cuba blaming it for terrorist acts that would actually be committed by the United States government.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Blog 9: Age of AI

 The Age of Artificial Intelligence 

While we don't see Artificial Intelligence they know our next move whether we know it or not. Artificial Intelligence also known as AI is a machine coming up with answers and responses to any question a person has acting like the computer is human. AI uses data and algorithms to come up with a problem-solving response. In the video shown in class, it even commented that even though you are searching up something you have no idea that Google or search engines are also searching about us as well. How scary!

Pros of AI:

There are many pros of Artificial Intelligence, these include safety, efficiency, and consistency. For safety, it makes sure that it is harder for hackers to get into different accounts and the AI systems can be used in hazardous environments to detect and prevent horrible things that can happen. For efficiency, AI is able to come up with answers within seconds of asking it something. It makes it easier, faster and comes up with intelligent answers that most humans would not even think of. Finally, since AI is a computer it leads to better quality answers with mostly no mistakes. If there is a mistake you can ask them to repeat the answer in a different way and it will come up with another intelligent answer. 

Cons of AI:

As there are many pros of AI there are also cons. AI has caused job loss and does not have the same qualities as talking to a human. AI has caused many people to lose their job or not have many jobs go on the market because it is free and has a great response within seconds. Many companies don't find the need to find people if they could just have a computer do the job for them. It also causes many people to not get hired because the older generation doesn’t know how to use it and companies want people who are able to interact with it. Another con AI has it that it lacks empathy since it is a computer and has no emotional connections between the person asking for help and itself. This can cause people to much rather ask another person a question than a computer because it will have an answer from the heart. 


The main concern with AI is the privacy aspect. There is NONE! Computers and phones are collecting data at all times whether it be what songs you like, what hobbies you are interested in, etc. Now that AI is such a big thing in today's world it will never go away. While it has many benefits it is rather concerning. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Blog 8: Diffusion

Diffusion of Innovators - Instagram
History of Instagram: 
Kevin Systrom who was a graduate of Stanford University created the app Instagram in 2009. While he did not go to school for computer science he learned to code on his days off of working at Google. He first created an app called "Burbn" to share his love for whiskeys and bourbons so that people can post their plans and share some photos but it later turned into one of the biggest apps.... Instagram!

Now let's look into the Diffusion of Innovations Theory for Instagram!

Early Adopters and Common Users: 
The early adopters of Instagram were those who enjoyed the same drinks as Kevin Systrom (the founder of Instagram) since they would see all the different drinks he would post on the app. 2009 was also an earlier time for new apps to come out so the early adopters would be those who were not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Lastly, early adopters were the tech-savy individuals who liked the app because of the unique features and because it was different than other apps like Facebook.

Commons users of Instagram are young adults who love to share all the fun things going on in their life. It is a great way to interact with other people and loved ones who you aren't able to see all the time. Common users also include influencers who post on Instagram because of ads and personal expressions to share to their followers. This is because on Instagram people are able to share pictures, videos, reels, and more of the hobbies they love to do.

Late Adopters and Laggards:
Late Adopters are those individuals who are hesitant to join Instagram because it was still new and had to have more experience before they can join in on the fun. Late adopters are those who had to wait for the app to hit the charts and get great reviews before they would do anything. 

The laggards would be people who are not on any type of social media and don't care to ever join. The laggard group is those who are hesitant to be on social media because of all the terms and conditions that first pop up when creating an account. Laggards for Instagram are usually in the older demographic that can't wrap their head around all different social media platforms.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Blog 7: Reaction to EOTO

 Reaction to the Invention of the Record Player

I never knew much about record players but after watching every presentation it stuck out to me the most. We now live in a world we record players are now used to decorating a space instead of using it for their purpose. This is because at any time of day, we can just tap a few buttons on our phones and play whatever song is on our minds. 

I learned how record players work and the impact they have!

How they work: 

Record players are able to play music because of the grooves in the disc. When the disc spins on the belt the needle crates vibration from all the groves engraved on the disc. The coil then takes the vibrations that are from the needle and groove and turns them into an electric signal which plays out of the speaker to make the sound of the music. 

Impact of the record player:

The record player was the start of people listening to music. This led to many more inventions for people to be able to listen to music easier. The impact it had on the older generation is the same way it has on the newer generation with Apple Music and Spotify It was a new source of entertainment that no one has seen before and gave the opportunity for those to be able to listen to music at the comfort of their own home!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Blog 6: Anti-War

There are all different news sources that people keep up with daily this includes CNNFox NewsApple News, etc. These news websites are popular among most people, whether people agree with their statements they are well-known platforms. These are well-known new sources because CNN and Fox News are on television and cater to two different political audiences. Apple News is also a big place for those to check because it pops up on many peoples phones on all different issues going around in the world. 

There are many different websites like Anti-War and The American Conservative that people don't give enough credit to because it is not a known nation wide and on television.

Anti-War has too much on their website, by seeing a bundle of words all over the place will scare people off the page. With the way that the website is formatted it is clashy and hard to read. It is hard to find what you are looking for when it is just a bunch of words thrown on the website. The American Conservative is the opposite of Anti-War. It is a subtle website that can be easily navigated without too much color. 

I believe the reason I have never seen these websites before is because the government does not agree with the statements being made on them. With that being said, I think the government has something to do with these websites not being popular among others. As well as it not being podcasted on television with channels that people grew up knowing. 

All in all, I like The American Conservative immensely more than Anti-War just because of the different formats and colors.  

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Blog 5: Smartphone EOTO!

 Imagine the average person's life, from morning to night. Many times the first thing a person grabs after waking up is their smartphone and the last thing they do before they go to sleep is watch Tik Toks, check the news, etc. before putting their phone down to rest. 

A smartphone is a cellphone that lets you do more than just make a phone call or send a simple text. It is a high-tech phone that has a touch screen to allow other users to interact with them. 


Smartphones are the big thing nowadays, whether you are 5 or 80 most people have smartphones whether to play games, look at current events, use it as a map, etc. it has so many features that can help out any person. 

This is a brief history of the smartphone

1992: IBM announced the first smartphone was invented with a small LCD screen and one-hour battery

1994: The smartphone started to have apps like calendars, address books, calendars, notepad, etc.

2000: The first camera smartphone was made but was only available in Japan. The phone was called J-SH04.

2001: The Smartphone was able to connect to the internet with a 3G network.

2007: Steve Jobs announced the iPhone, the first phone to be touchscreen while also connecting to the internet and having a camera.

Since 2007 companies have competed with Apple to have the best and newest smartphone. The newest iPhone 14 was created in late 2022, expect more to come soon from Apple! Apple is one of the best tech companies that keep expanding day after day.

There are many pros and cons to the smart-phone: 


It provides endless entertainment for those who are using it, there are all different kinds of apps whether it be social media platforms, games, or news channels. It provides all different platforms for varying age groups.

 It keeps loved ones closer by being able to call them from all around the world. There is an app included with the iPhone called Facetime. This is where a person can video chat another while being able to talk to them as well as see their face. 

It makes using a map a lot easier than it used to be back then. If you just put the address of the place you are attending it will pop up the fattest route and step by step how to get there. The apps include Google Maps and Waze. 

But there are cons to the smartphone…

All smartphone users' privacy is at risk because many people don't read the terms and conditions on different apps and don't realize that they are taking their information to shoot out ads onto their platforms.

Smartphones also cause many health problems including both mental and physical problems. Many users get distracted by their phones for hours and they forget to do the basic needs in life like exercising and eating. It is also bad for people's mental health because there are many incidents around the world where cyberbullying is a problem that causes many smartphone users to become depressed. 

The smartphone is known to be one of the best inventions but is it really healthy?

Blog 12: My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology

 My Love-Hate Relationship with Technology Technology has a big impact on today's world whether it is Artificial Intelligence or social ...